Our Team > Our Leadership > Prof Mark Price

Prof Mark Price

Our Leadership

Principle Investigator

Queen’s University Belfast

Mark Price graduated in 1987 with a First Class Honours degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Queen’s University Belfast and a Masters in Engineering Computation in 1988. He returned later to QUB to undertake a PhD in the department of Mechanical Engineering on hexahedral finite element mesh generation which was completed in 1993.

Currently Mark is focused on High Value Design Research exploring novel and disruptive design technologies aiming to help engineering designers take advantage of cloud based technologies and distributed manufacturing. He is the Principal Investigator of the EPSRC Programme Grant on “Re-Imagining Engineering Design” (EP/V007335/1) working with the Universities of Loughborough and York and supported by ten leading engineering companies across sectors.  He is a Board Member for the Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE) and the JK Kane Foundation (JKF), and a member of the Zero Emissions Flight Aircraft Subgroup of the Jet Zero Council.

RIED Specific Links & Papers

  • Generative design for additive manufacturing using a biological development analogy (January 2022)

    Published in the Journal of Computational Design and Engineering

    This work presents a novel bottom-up methodology to generate designs that can be tightly integrated with the additive manufacturing environment and that can respond flexibly to changes in that environment….The method is bio-inspired, based on strategies observed in natural systems, particularly in biological growth and development. The design geometry is grown in a computer-aided design-based, bio-inspired generative design system called ‘Biohaviour’.

  • RIED Research Programme Overview (June 2021)

    Presentation to the EPSRC Digitalised Surface Manufacturing Network

  • RIED Research Programme Overview Public Session (May 2021)

    RIED Launch event

  • ‘cyber seed’ that ‘grows like a plant’ could revolutionise how we design vehicles, medical equipment, and more (June 2021)

    Independent Online Newspaper Article

    The ‘seed’ grows algorithmically in a CAD environment – and while the outcomes are random now,
    researchers say it could develop incredibly quickly

  • A review of design frameworks for human-cyber-physical systems moving from industry 4 to 5 (September 2023)

    Published in the IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications Journal

    Within the Industry 4.0 landscape, humans collaborate with cyber and physical elements to form human-cyber-physical systems (HCPS). These environments are increasingly complex and challenging workspaces due to increasing levels of automation and data availability. An effective system design requires suitable frameworks that consider human activities and needs whilst supporting overall system efficacy.

    Although several reviews of frameworks for technology were identified, none of these focused on the human in the system (moving towards Industry 5). The critical literature review presented provides a summary of HCPS frameworks, maps the considerations for a human in HCPS, and provides insight for future framework and system development. The challenges, recommendations, and areas for further research are discussed.

  • Local Fitness Landscape Exploration Based Genetic Algorithms (January 2023)

    Published as an IEEE Access Research Article, January 2023

    Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been used to evolve optimal/sub-optimal solutions of many problems. When using GAs for evolving solutions, often fitness evaluation is the most computationally expensive, and this discourages researchers from applying GAs for computationally challenging problems. This paper presents an approach for generating offspring based on a local fitness landscape exploration to increase the speed of the search for optimal/sub-optimal solutions and to evolve better fitness solutions. The proposed algorithm, “Fitness Landscape Exploration based Genetic Algorithm” (FLEX-GA) can be applied to single and multi-objective optimization problems. Experiments were conducted on several single and multi-objective benchmark problems with and without constraints. The performance of the FLEX-based algorithm on single-objective problems is compared with a canonical GA and other algorithms. For multi-objective benchmark problems, the comparison is made with NSGA-II, and other multi-objective optimization algorithms. Lastly, Pareto solutions are evolved on eight real-world multi-objective optimization problems, and a comparative performance is presented with NSGA-II. Experimental results show that using FLEX on most of the single and multi-objective problems, the speed of the search improves up to 50% and the quality of solutions also improves. These results provide sufficient evidence of the applicability of fitness landscape approximation-based algorithms for solving real-world optimization problems.

  • The Development of a Storage Tank Automated Design and Analysis Framework (STADA) – (September 2021)

    The focus of this paper is on the development of the integrated design and analysis framework with a brief example at the end that showcases how this powerful technique can be used to solve real world problems.

    This paper was included in the proceedings from the on-line 37th International Manufacturing Conference, co-hosted by the Athlone Institute of Technology and CONFIRM, held in September 2021

  • NI Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expo (June 2023)

    On Thursday 22nd June the RIED Project were at the Northern Ireland Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expo, as part of the QUB Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (AMIC) stand, at the TEC Belfast.

    Professor Mark Price was invited to host a panel ‘From Blueprint to Breakthrough’ and held a talk on ‘New Perspectives on interoperability across design and manufacturing in an integrated design process’. Both the panel and talk were well attended and received, and the Expo has since noted 1827 attendees on the day. This is a great way to get conversation flowing on what we’re doing at RIED and more eyes on our work.

    Following on from this success, the RIED project is looking forward to taking part in more exhibitions, watch this space.

  • RIED Keynote Presentation at the 37th International Manufacturing Conference (September 2021)

    Keynote presentation of the RIED project at the 37th International Manufacturing Conference

  • New perspectives on interoperability across design simulation and validation in an intergrated design process. (September 2023).

    Professor Mark Price’s presentation from the IMechE Simulation Conference 2023.

  • Nature-Inspired Design and Manufacture – including “Lessons from Nature for fully integrated, concurrent design and manufacture” (February 2022)

    Webinar Event arranged by Loughborough University in February 2022

  • Clare Newton & RIED (June 2023)

    RIED is inspired by nature. we are observing natural systems at work and codifying these into engineering systems to produce innovative designs and processes. Nature also inspires art. Our great friend and outstanding photographic artist Clare Newton has produced an amazing exhibition where art and technology and nature are brought together. The Seeds of Change project explores the nature around us and gives alternative perspectives to the amazing world of engineering design that is being created in RIED.

    Exposing innovative science to the public is very important for me. The reason I made this a big part of the Seeds of Change project, is that I have not seen the inside story of science before and in particular in a non-scientific context.  
        Although there are science museums, they look at subjects that are around us, to enable children to easily relate to a subject.  There is very few informative science projects that are portrayed in local exhibition form, and in a non-scientific public place. The purpose of this project is to reach out to a different sector of audiences and bring an unusual aspect of science that they can be inspired by and make the imagery immersive, so that the viewer feels the same excitement as I did when shooting the project.
        Over the years, I have brought different worlds together to widen a viewer’s point of view. This project I reach out to the non-scientific communities in public gardens, nature museums, churches, and other resourceful places. I know the public enjoy something different and will become fascinated by what I uncover.”

    Clare’s exhibition can be viewed from the 6th June to 28th August 2023 in:

    Gilbert White’s House,

    The Wakes,

    High Street,



    GU34 3JH,

    T: 01420 511275,

    Open daily Tuesday to Sunday 10:30am to 4:30pm

    QR code to Seeds of Change
  • Silent Designers Episode 5 – Mark Price, Biohaviour (October 2023)

    What role can design play in our Journey to Net Zero ? In this fifth episode of Innovate UK Silent Designers Podcast, we explore the theme of net zero and sustainable technologies, with guest Mark Price.. You can listen to the podcast on Spotify or watch it on the Innovate UK Site

  • Evolving Novel Gene Regulatory Networks for Structural Engineering Designs (August 2024)

    Published in the Artificial Life Journal

    Abstract: Engineering design optimization poses a significant challenge, usually requiring human expertise to discover superior solutions. Although various search techniques have been employed to generate diverse designs, their effectiveness is often limited by problem-specific parameter tuning, making them less generalizable and scalable. This article introduces a framework inspired by
    evolutionary and developmental (evo-devo) concepts, aiming to automate the evolution of structural engineering designs. In biological systems, evo-devo governs the growth of single-cell organisms into multicellular organisms through the use of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). GRNs are inherently complex and highly nonlinear, and this article explores the use of neural networks and genetic programming as artificial representations of GRNs to emulate such behaviors. To evolve a wide range of Pareto fronts for artificial GRNs, this article introduces a new technique, a real value–encoded neuroevolutionary method termed real-encoded NEAT (RNEAT). The performance of RNEAT is compared with that of two well-known evolutionary search techniques across different 2-D and 3-D problems. The experimental results demonstrate two key findings. First, the proposed framework effectively generates a population of GRNs that can produce diverse structures for both 2-D and 3-D problems. Second, the proposed RNEAT algorithm outperforms its competitors on more than 50% of the problems examined. These results validate the proof of concept underlying the proposed evo-devo-based engineering design evolution.

  • Towards producing innovative engineering design concepts using AI – paper (July 2024)

    This paper was presented by Imelda Friel at the MadeAI Conference in Porto, Portugal in July 2024.

    This paper examines the application of a novel Evolutionary-Development (Evo-Devo)
    system that integrates AI tools within the conceptual design process to produce populations of
    innovative design options. The aim is to allow the behaviours of designs to be learned and then
    exploited later in the design process. Here a design concept (referred to as an organism) is
    constructed from cells, which have an evolving NN architecture controlling each
    cells’parameterisation. The following work demonstrates the application of the Evo-Devo
    process on a volume-to-point heat transfer problem, returning design concepts with a network
    of heat channels that direct heat built up in the plate to a point at ambient temperature

  • This paper was presented by Professor Andy Tyrrell on behalf of our Alumni, Rahul Dubey at the July 2024 IEEE sponsored World Congress on Computational Intelligence from June 30 – July 5, in Yokohama, Japan Conference

    In recent years, the evolutionary developmental (Evo-Devo) concept has gained traction in the field of engineering design. This paper presents a new biologically inspired approach rooted in Evo-Devo principles to iteratively develop car chassis designs based on a specified design brief. The proposed method draws inspiration from biological cell growth and differentiation behaviours to generate intricate engineering designs. Employing evolutionary algorithms, the paper aims to evolve gene regulatory
    networks that govern the growth of a minimal viable design. The primary goal is to achieve an optimal design capable of withstanding sudden crash impacts within safety limits. Comprehensive simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach, using genetic algorithms, evolves gene regulatory networks that generate a spectrum of viable designs. Furthermore, the best evolved solution exhibits generalizability and adaptability across different simulation parameters.

  • A bio-inspired evolution-development method for modelling and optimisation of buffer allocation in unreliable serial production line (December 2023)

    This paper was presented at the 2023 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering (CMAAE 2023) held in Nanjing, China.

    A buffer is an important element in a production line and its allocation influences the throughput and inventory of the line. The buffer allocation problem can be framed as a multi-objective optimisation problem and is often addressed by using meta-heuristic algorithms, such as evolutionary algorithms. However, these algorithms primarily focus on the “genetic evolution” aspect and do not take in to account the impact of the biological “organism development” process, potentially constraining the exploration of the solution space. In this paper, a bio-inspired evolution-development (evo-devo) approach for modelling and optimising buffer allocations is proposed. The organism representing a production line is defined and modelled, and the evolution and development processes of organisms are developed for researching optimised solutions. The method has been validated by a simulation of a buffer allocation optimisation in an unreliable serial production line with multi-objectives, aiming to maximize production throughput and minimize the total buffer size. Results show that the
    proposed method can efficiently obtain solutions, while also achieving greater exploration of the solution space than competing evolutionary algorithms such as the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II. The proposed approach’s functionality means that it could be applied to other areas of generative design of future factories.

  • Investigation of starting conditions in generative processes for the design of engineering structures (December 2023)

    This paper was presented at the 2023 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Mexico City, Mexico in December 2023.

    Engineering design has traditionally involved human engineers manually creating and iterating on designs based on their expertise and knowledge. In Bio-inspired Evolutionary Development (EvoDevo), generative algorithms are used to explore a much larger design space that may not have ever been considered by human engineers. However, for complex systems, the designer is often required to start the EvoDevo process with an initial design (seed) which the development process will optimise. The question is: will a good starting seed yield a good set of design solutions for the given problem? This paper considers this question and suggests that sub-optimal seeds can provide, up to certain limits, better design solutions than relatively more optimal seeds. In addition, this paper highlights the importance of designing the appropriate seed for the appropriate problem. In this paper, the problem analysed is the structural performance of a Warren Truss (bridge-like structure) under a single load. The main conclusion of this paper is that up to a limit sub optimal seeds provide in general better sets of solutions than more optimal seeds. After this limit, the performance of sub-optimal seed starts to degrade as parts of the phenotype landscape become inaccessible.

  • This paper was presented at the 2023 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI in Mexico City, Mexico from 5-8 December 2023.

    Evolutionary approaches to engineering design involve generating populations of candidate solutions that compete via a selection process iteratively, to improve measures of performance over many generations. Although the attractive properties of biological evolutionary systems have motivated researchers to investigate emulating them for engineering design, there has been an emphasis on using encodings of the technical artefacts themselves, rather than encoding a complete bio-inspired system which is capable of producing such artefacts. It is the latter approach which is the subject of this contribution: how might a bio-inspired system be designed that self-organises the process of engineering design and manufacture?

  • Evolutionary Developmental biology (EvoDevo) is a process of directed growth whose mechanisms could be used in an evolutionary algorithm for engineering applications. Engineering design can be thought of as a search through a high-dimensional design space for a small number of solutions that are optimal by various metrics. Configuring this search within an EvoDevo algorithm may allow developmental processes to provide a facility to give more immediate, localised feedback to the system as it grows into its final optimal configuration (form). This approach would augment current design practices. The main components needed to run EvoDevo for engineering design are set out in this paper, and these are developed into an algorithm for initial investigations, resulting in evolved neural network-based structural design modifying operators that optimise the structure of a planar truss in an iterative, decentralized manner against multiple objectives. Preliminary results are presented which show that the two levels feedback at the Evo and Devo stages drive the system to ultimately produce feasible solutions.

  • Human Robot Collaboration (HRC) Taxonomy (June 2022)

    Conference Publication by Laura McGirr in June 2022 at the ISR EU2022 Conference in Munich, Germany.

    The goal of the research outlined in this paper is to facilitate improved communication and
    enable co-ordinated research collaboration across academic researchers and industry in the implementation of HRC installations.

  • A Novel Design System for Exploiting Additive Manufacturing (September 2021)

    This paper describes the aspects of the system analogous to nature alongside the data structures used to represent the developing organism and its ability to interact and respond to the environment. It demonstrates how manufacturing specific information can be coded in the system and in the genome of the cells and expressed in the organism through the development process in this new design system.

    This paper was included in the proceedings from the on-line 37th International Manufacturing Conference, co-hosted by the Athlone Institute of Technology and CONFIRM, held in September 2021

    IMC Conference Archive (manufacturingcouncil.ie)
